
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Journal #5: Twitter

I started up my twitter account about two weeks ago. It was a little bit confusing at first, but slowly I'm learning more as I explore the site. I started following Edutopia, which was my PLN of choice for this quarter. I figure if there were more ways to be exposed to their posts, the better for me. I am also following celebrities and some classmates. I have really tweeted myself, but have retweeted things that others had posted. I have a several followers, some classmates and others in education. I sometimes use it to look at what people have posted, but I am not in there as often as my other social media sites. It could be because I don't have much personal friends on it, like Facebook and Instagram.

As far as using twitter in the classroom, I cannot imagine using it with students, especially in elementary school. Although maybe it wouldn't work with students, I could see how I can use it to communicate with parents. I would only use twitter if parents were users of twitter or had access to it.  I would have a separate twitter account for my class, as I don't like mixing my personal life with professional matters.

Here are some things that I could share with parents on a normal basis:
  • sites to support what is being learned
  • important articles regarding parenting, behavior, disabilities, etc.
  •  student work
  • pictures (students doing a project, student work)
  • Tips of the day
  • Learning for the day
  • Standards addressed
  • Upcoming Events/Meetings

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