
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Journal 1: Chapters 1-3 Getting Started

Robbins, J. (2012). Learning web design : a beginner's guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web graphics. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.

Web design is broken into four separate categories which are the following: design, development, content strategy, and multimedia. In many cases web design is completed by many people that use their expertise and focus on certain aspects of the development of a web page. I understand the web is very complex, but Robbins went into detail about each aspect of web development, which really helped me see what goes into the creation of a site. As I pursue my goal to be an elementary school teacher, I do not think I will be making any HTML documents for my site, but I will be using some aspects of web design. For example, content strategy creation has to deal with choosing the proper text and pictures for the brand of a site. If I am creating a website for my classroom I would want to make sure that everything that I included as part of the site reflected my "brand" (grade, school district, school mascot, grade appropriate resources, etc.) Since I am new to technology terminology, the first chapter briefly described the terms used in the field, which was quite helpful. I noticed that these terms were used often in the other chapters, so I definitely want to make sure I constantly go back and make sure I have a clear definition of what these are, how they look like, and how they are used. 

Figure 2-5 in Robbins (2012) gave me a clear and detailed picture of how a web page is chosen and then viewed. There is so much more that happens "under the hood" as the author describes, that I was completely unaware of. The most shocking was looking at the HTML files of the text by following the simple directions that were provided withing the reading. By simply clicking on the view tab, then source, the visitor is able to see the HTML file. Viewing the file can be daunting, but one can begin to see the patterns withing this "secret code" like language. Tags (< >) are used to display certain information, links, and pictures that appear on the page that is viewed. These are organized in a very precises manner in order to ensure that the browser is able to interpret them one by one and also so that the pages on the site work as quickly and efficiently as possible for all visitors.

In the present time, there is no certain way of accessing the web. People are using their mobile devices to access web pages, e-mail, etc. on an every day bases. Ten years ago, most people relied on their desktop and laptop to access the internet, but now there are many other devices that have been introduced to the market that are used frequently. The point here is that web design is constantly changing, adapting to the different devices and features that are out there. Progressive enhancement and responsive web design attempt to address this ever-evolving web and devices that are used to access it. For example, in regards to responsive web design, browsers automatically adjust to the type of device that is used to access a certain website. The goal is for the visitor to have a good experience and see what it has to offer with the use of any device. I have noticed this aspect of the web using my smartphone vs. my laptop. Right away, the page is much more direct, with pull down tabs that allow me to find what I need as quickly as possible. This is not the cases for all sites, but I have definitely seen the shift.

Question 1: How is HTML created? 
"HTML Basic." W3 Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct 2013 <>.

In chapter 2, Robbins (2012) describes HTML as a text document that directly relates to what is seen by the viewer. The browser that is used interprets each part of a tag. I wanted to research a little bit more about HTML as it is something that seems so complex, and found some additional information. According to the site, there are certain tags that are used to show where specific content is placed on a webpage, such as <h1> for a heading, <p> for paragraphs, and <img for pictures.  I understand there are a lot of different tag types, but it was amazing to learn a couple and be able to practice using them on the site. This was briefly discussed in Robbins (2012), but the site really helped me broaden my understanding of HTML a little bit more. 

Question 2: What is the difference between internet and web?

This might seem like a pretty straightforward answer, but I use them interchangeably every day. Robbins (2012) described the internet as a network of computers and the web as a sharing medium for information. In trying to make sense of these terms, I see the internet as a "spider web" of billions of technology devices sharing information. The world wide web is sort of tool that is used to access the information that is available in the internet.

1 comment:

  1. A great site to practice learning your HTML coding skills is Try it and you will be hooked. HTML is the best starter code if you will. Then learn CSS then JAVA. Good luck and cheers
